Digital Mentoring and Continuing Education for Improved Service and Market Linkages among Community Animal Health Workers in Nepal
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The 4P model has taken into consideration the learnings from the past unsuccessful attempts of establishing slaughterhouses and abattoirs in Nepal. Butwal abattoir will set an example of how producers can benefit from the meat production and processing industry at the same time ensuring sustainability of the industry to lay foundation for wider application of...
Nepal is the world’s fifth-largest ginger producer, contributing 1.64%to its Agricultural GDP. Despite its significant potential for export andincome generation, the sector faces challenges such as lack of modernAgro-Tech, rhizome rots disease, and issues in sorting, cleaning, andgrading. ...
‘Bridging the Gender Digital Gap in Nepal’ project, funded by USAID’s Centerfor Digital Development in partnership with DAI, is designed by HPIN tobridge smallholder women farmers’ and agriculture entrepreneurs’ digitalgap and strengthen their economic empowerment ...
Nepal’s agriculture sector is primarily composed of smallholder farmerswhich accounts for 23% of the country’s GDP but lacks proper organizationand facilities, leading to an undersupply in domestic markets.To address these challenges, the Innovations in Agriculture and LivestockValue Chains Development (IALVC) project aims to improve agriculturalproductivity, increase market linkages, and enhance the livelihoodsof smallholder farmers in...
Nepal 2019 - Farmers feed the goats at the Banke Goat Business Center in Nepalgunj, Nepal, on Wednesday, June 26th, 2019.Heifer Nepal has supported more than 11,000 self-help groups and 227 womenled cooperatives to participate in savings and loans, representing hundreds of thousands of women. Savings and loans are invested in the dairy, goat and...