Climate-Smart Dairy Farming in Nepal
Project Period: 2 Years (24 months), October 2022- September 2024
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Dairy farming is a key livelihood for rural communities in Nepal, but it also contributes significantly to global greenhouse gas emissions, including 37% of methane and 65% of nitrous oxide. With 13 million low-productive cattle and buffaloes, Nepal’s dairy sector is worsening climate change, especially for women-led households affected by erratic weather and limited market access.
This project aims to create a climate-smart dairy model that reduces GHG emissions and enhances sustainability. By promoting community-led innovations, organic manure use, and efficient waste recycling, the project will improve resilience, soil fertility, and productivity. Initially targeting 100 families, the project is designed for nationwide replication through Heifer Nepal’s Milky Way Signature Program. This initiative is a collaboration between Heifer Nepal, Heifer Netherlands, the International Livestock Research Institute, and the National Agriculture Research Center.