Strengthing smallholder enterprises of livestock value chain for poverty reduction and economic growth in Nepal II (SLVC II)

Project Period: Nov 2019- June 2023
Project Location: Jhapa, Morang, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sindhuli, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara, Chitwan, Dhading, Nuwakot, Nawalpur, Rupandehi, Kapilbastu, Arghakhanchi, Palpa, Tanahu, Kaski, Baglung, Parbat, Gulmi, Lamjung, Pyuthan, Dang, Banke, Bardiya, Surkhet, and Salyan districts
SLVC II focuses on the meat goat and dairy value chain, connecting smallholder producers to end markets. This project intends to scale up the enterprises of participating farmers by introducing innovative technology along with increased access to finance and business development services such as input supply, technical support, market, insurance, financing, etc. The project will benefit 125,000 families directly and 350,000 families indirectly in 29 districts of Nepal. Capitalizing on the gains made by SLVC I, the project will demonstrate the synergistic relationship between social capital development and market engagement as envisioned by Heifer.
Project period
Project area
Project period
To increase annual household income by 72% (NPR 557,000/year). SLVC II capitalizes the gains made by SLVC I and demonstrates the synergistic relationship between social capital development and market engagement envisioned by Heifer. SLVC II project focuses in meat goat and diary value chain, connecting smallholder producers to consumers. It aims to bring goat meat and milk/milk products from farm gate to plate in an efficient manner. This project works with Smallholder Farmers’ Organizations and Value Chain actors to improve market systems, primarily in meat goat and dairy value chains along with vegetable and backyard poultry. It intends to scale up enterprises of the participating farmers. The new technology introduced, along with increased access to other business development services (finance, market, input supply, technical services and insurance etc.) will increase productivity, efficiency and thereby increase farm profitability. The project will build capacity, facilitate relationships among the value chain actors. The project will prototype new technologies and scale as appropriate, and facilitate public-private-producer partnership (PPPP).